Friday, April 3, 2009

Wide Awake

I usually only review actual books, but this fanfiction SHOULD be a book, so it has earned a review. It's called Wide Awake by AngstGoddess003 (link to her LiveJournal page). The chapters to Wide Awake are on the sidebar on her main page--just click "1. Gingerbread Zombies" for the first chapter (the title of this post is also a link to the first chapter). It is an AMAZING story. It's for mature audiences only due to some lemons and limes (fanfiction terms meaning sexually explicit and near-sexual content) and dark themes. The lemons and limes are done in a tasteful manner, it's not SWP (smut--another fanfiction term meaning the same thing as lemons--without plot); even the smuttake (another fanfiction term for smut outtake) is done in a non-vulgar manner. It's a Twilight fanfiction. It's my opinon that AngstGoddes003 should change the names in this story (but keep Edward's first name the same--I like to call him Darkward) and get it published. As I said, this story is very dark. It's categorized OOC (out of character--the personalities aren't the same as they are in Twilight), but I think this is incorrect--I believe the characters in Twilight would act this way if they were in the same situation. It's a AU-All Human (an alternate universe and all the characters are human, even the ones that are vampires in Twilight) fanfiction. I suggest you read this when you have spare time because you will not want to quit once you've begun.

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