Monday, May 3, 2010

Y'all have probably wondered why I've been focusing on fanfiction in a book review blog--I should be reviewing books, right? Well, there are 3 reasons that I haven't:

  1. There are fanfictions worthy of publication & I want them recognized as such
  2. It's very hard for me to write a bad review
  3. Sometimes I have to backtrack & that's hard (yeah, I know--whiney whiney me, but it is hard to review a story you read a year ago)

I hate cause-y books. Dean Koontz's Relentless has a very interesting plot, but it's hard to remember that because the narrator blathers on so much about hating the modern era & nihilism. Cross Country by James Patterson would be a fine addition to the author's Alex Cross series if not for the "Save Africa" PSA screaming at you from the pages--the same goes for the Protectors part of his Maximum Ride series. I haven't read the latest, Fang, but The Final Warning & Max have both been so, "LIVE GREEN!" that it's been hard to read them. I know writers write their own beliefs into a book, but that's no excuse for Dean Koontz, who was once able to do this with messages of love and hope seamlessly, to interrupt the story to whine about other people's beliefs; saving Africa & living greener lives are both important, but trying to force them on me while I read is distracting and frustrating.
Sometimes though, I just start a series & either hadn't started the blog yet when I started reading them or they're so good that I forget to review them while I'm reading, especially if there's been a few books published before I start reading. Like House of Night: I'm in the process of reviewing it up to the last book I read as a grouped review, then with the next one, I'll start reviewing them individually. Same with the Blue Bloods series--they're totally review-able, but I started them before I started the blog & so I'd have to backtrack,which would either be 1 big review or a few individual reviews. I'm going to review a book by P. C. Cast, Divine by Mistake, as soon as I get it read & my exams are over.

In summary: I'm going to continue to review fanfictions that deserve recognition and, though I haven't as of recently for various reasons, I'm going to start reviewing published fiction again soon.

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Welcome to my blog. I have another blog "My Thoughts on the Universe", but it's not like this one. "My Thoughts on the Universe" is for ranting and observations and weird stuff I find online; this blog is a book review blog. I hope you enjoy reading "Everyone's a Critic" and please leave comments. Go take a peek at "My Thoughts on the Universe" as well and leave your own thoughts on my posts. Have a great day!